NeoAxis 3D Engine


NeoAxis 3D Engine is a powerful and versatile environment for developing 3D projects of various kinds, including video games, simulators, virtual reality systems, visualization and windowing applications. The platform is widely used in educational institutions to teach modern technologies in 3D graphics, providing a full set of tools necessary for the development of complex and diverse projects.

Key features and tools of NeoAxis 3D Engine include
1. Resource Editor
The Resource Editor is the centerpiece for managing all aspects of a project. It includes:

Physical Model Editor: Allows you to create and customize physical properties of objects.
Particle System Editor: To create various effects such as smoke, fire, and explosions.
User Interface Editor: For creating and customizing interface elements.
Material Editor: Helps to customize visual properties of object surfaces.
Project Logic Object Editor: Controls the logic and behavior of objects in the game.
3D Model Import Utility: Supports importing models from various formats.
Font customization utility: Customizes text elements of the project.
3D Model Tuning Editor: Provides fine-tuning and optimization of 3D models.
2. Map Editor
This tool is for creating game levels and includes:

Elevation map based landscape editor: To create realistic landscapes.
Navigation Mesh based pathfinding calculation tool: Allows characters to find optimal routes.
2D Mesh-based Pathfinding Calculation Tool: An alternative method for pathfinding.
Full Screen Effects Customizer: Customizes visual effects applied to the entire scene.
Camera lens flare manager: Adds realistic lighting effects.
3. Advanced Utilities
These utilities help in setting up and optimizing your project:

Configurator: General engine customization for different types of projects.
Shader Cache Compiler: Optimizes engine load time.
Final Product Preparation Tool: Prepares the project for release on a specific platform.
4. Physical System
NeoAxis 3D Engine is equipped with the state-of-the-art NVIDIA PhysX physics engine, providing realistic physics:

Car and Tank Physics: Simulates the behavior of vehicles.
Rhegdoll: Realistic behavior of bodies after death.
5. A set of on-screen effects
The platform includes many visual effects:

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion: Realistic shadows.
Depth of Field: Depth of Field effect.
Volumetric Light Scattering (God Rays): Light scattering effect.
Lens Effects: Camera lens effects.
Bloom, Motion Blur, Radial Blur: Additional effects to enhance visualization.
Vignetting, Grayscale effect: Effects to stylize the image.
6. User Interface System
Offers an out-of-the-box set of controls and features:

Button, CheckBox, ComboBox and other standard UI elements.
UI rendering in 3D space: Render the UI in 3D.
Web and Video Support: Includes controls for handling web content and video.
7. 3D Model Animation
Supports various animation methods:

Skeletal and frame-by-frame animation: To create realistic character movements.
Animation Tree: A tool for customizing animation blending algorithms.
Bone position control from program code: Ability to control animation programmatically.
8. Built-in Networking Support
Enables creation of multi-user applications:

Client-server architecture: For developing networked games and applications.
Simple object synchronization setup: Easy to set up networking.
Dedicated server application: Supports dedicated server operation for games.
9. Pathfinding Components
Includes two pathfinding methods:

Navigation Mesh: For complex three-dimensional scenes.
Two-dimensional mesh: For simpler scenes and games.
NeoAxis 3D Engine provides an intuitive and rich set of tools for creating different types of 3D projects. With its extensive functionality and many out-of-the-box solutions, this platform is a great choice for developers of all levels, from beginners to professionals. With examples of creating different projects and a set of demo cards, users can easily get started and use all the program's features to create high-quality 3D applications.