Alternate File Move


Alternate File Move is a handy and efficient application designed to compare and synchronize the contents of two different folders on your computer. It provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes the process of comparing and synchronizing files fast and easy. Here are the main features of this program:

Clean and intuitive interface: Alternate File Move has a clean and easy to understand appearance, making it easy to use for users of all experience levels.

Comparing Folder Contents: The program allows you to compare the contents of two different folders to make sure they contain the same files.

Synchronization Settings: The user can configure various settings for the synchronization operation, such as adding only missing files, replacing files with different sizes or dates, and deleting files from the second folder that are not in the first.

File filtering: It is possible to select specific file names or extensions that you want to include or exclude from the synchronization operation.

Fast and efficient operation: Alternate File Move provides fast and efficient comparison and synchronization operation, allowing you to move files from one folder to another quickly and easily.

Mirroring folder contents: The program helps you mirror the contents of one folder to another to make sure that both folders contain the files you need.

Overall, Alternate File Move is a simple but useful application that will help you efficiently manage the files on your computer, compare folder contents and synchronize them to ensure data integrity and relevance.
